Swar is the harmonious union of three extraordinary talents: Swapnil Sharma, Rohit Shakya, and Gautam Tandukar. Together, they have forged a unique soundscape that blends heartfelt lyrics, innovative compositions, and an unparalleled ability to connect with their audience.
With an ever-growing fanbase and a repertoire of remarkable tracks, Swar continues to redefine musical storytelling in Nepal. Their notable creations include:
Badal Sari featuring John Rai and Cr7horaa: A captivating masterpiece that garnered 3.8M views in just 13 days.
Sansaar: A soul-stirring anthem that resonated deeply with listeners, amassing 1.8M views in five months.
Udirahechan: A poetic exploration of emotions, cherished by fans with 2.1M views in seven months.
Aunla Haru: A nostalgic journey loved by many, reaching 676K views over a year.
Bistarai: A serene melody that captured hearts with over 2.2M views.
Aparibhasit: A genre-defining hit with an astounding 17M views in two years.
K Paye: A thought-provoking anthem that continues to inspire with 1.2M views.
Swar’s music is more than sound; it’s an emotional voyage. Each track they create tells a story, invites introspection, and leaves an indelible mark on the hearts of their listeners.
- Genre: Rock
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